The Wednesday evening service is a time of refreshment and encouragement in the middle of your busy and often draining week. The purpose of meeting together is to make much of Christ and to strengthen each other along the way. To that end we take some time to hear from God’s Word, sing a few hymns from the hymn book, and then spend some time in corporate prayer for one another. Community is what gets us through the week. This is the goal of our Wednesday evening gatherings. 



There is a difference between community and togetherness. Community is when people gather around a common bond.; Togetherness is just a gathering or congregating of people. As Christians our common bond is Christ. Not any “christ” but “The Christ” of the Scriptures. Therefore we believe doctrine (or biblical truth) is the necessary component missing in many gatherings of Christians. Therefore, Wednesday nights, along with every gathering we seek to have, centers around the truth of the Word and it’s echo of the grace of Christ Jesus.