Hating Sin…
Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. — 1 John 3:8
Sin is deadly. Sin is that which the Lord hates and sin is that which Christ suffered and died so as to rescue His chosen people from its curse. (The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.) Whoever it is that makes a practice of doing that which God views as detestable, is himself or herself also detestable in His sight. Interestingly, one of the synonymous terms for the Greek word translated “practice” in this text is, “to lighten the ship”. How interesting a term to use here about a life of sin.
I believe the imagery here in this word can help us understand not only ourselves, but also our sin better. You see, the one who is lightening the ship for sin is the one who is contemplating, the one who is devising new means to make sin easier and more quickly and effortlessly enjoyed. You practice something so that you might get better at it. The true Christian falls into sin, the false Christian trains for it.
This verse and so many like it are there to grant us a litmus test, a scale or thermometer for our spiritual health and life. John didn’t write this to beat you over the head, he intended your encouragement. If you are finding yourself having fallen into sin today, take heart. The Christian life is not that of perfection but that of the sinner’s repentance and the Saviour’s reception. If, however, you find yourself devising plans so that you might get better at your sin, if you are lightening the ship to more swiftly travel into your sin, this is a warning for your soul. Repent, turn and trust Christ before it’s too late.
Much love to you all my family…
– Josh